Mac Install Applications For All Users

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  2. Best Applications For Mac
  3. How Do I Uninstall Applications On Mac

Powerful Mac apps that won't break the bank. There’s something of a misconception when it comes. If it is the HDD Fan Control Monitor Application (the app that displays the fan speed/temperature in the Menu Bar) that you want for each user, simply copy the App to each users Applications Directory or put it in the System wide Applications Directory. Rebooting the iMac and it works for every user.


New member
I created an app through applescript and would like all users on a machine to be able to use it. I saved it as a .app file and then drag it into the applications folder. Other users can see the app but it has a line though it and when they try to open it they get a message 'parts of the application are not available'
I go back into the admin account (where the app originated) Then I right click, and give read/write access to all users, reboot. The second user still has a problem opening the app but the error now says 'The app is not available' and still has a diagonal line through it.
I have tried this on multiple Os versions, any Ideas?

Doouble click on the hard drive - the icon on the top right of the desktop.

In column mode you will see something like this.

(If you are not in column mode, click on the icon shown as 1 in the line of icons at the top).

Any appplications in the folder (shown as 2) are available to all users.

If there are applications in other folders, you can simply drag and drop them in to the correct folder. They will then be available to all users.

Mac Install App As Admin


Best Applications For Mac

You may also have an Applications folder inside your home folder. Anything in that folder is only available to you.

How Do I Uninstall Applications On Mac

Oct 2, 2013 4:01 PM

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